The most common cause of neck pain is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Each year, this disease is getting younger. Exposed to him, the people who work daily in the sitting position, do not make physical activity. It is important to know, what is osteochondrosis cervical, symptoms, and rules of home treatment.
Characteristics of the disease
Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects the spine, specifically the intervertebral discs. In case of the occurrence of soft elements of damaged disks and costeniuc, and the vertebrae begin to touch between them, clutching at the blood vessels and nerve fibres located in the vicinity.

The Cervical osteochondrosis one of the most common types of injury to the spine, which can occur in the elderly, as well as among those who have approximately 20 years of age.
The first signs of
Due to the fact that in the cervical spinal department, the intervertebral discs are not very high, although little damage is the cause of the development of the disease. On the beginning of the problems can testify:
- osiplost, hoarseness;
- an increase in problems with the teeth (it is necessary to consult a dentist more often than usual, for example, partial destruction of the teeth);
- the deterioration of the vision;
- a burning sensation between the shoulder blades;
- the pain in the throat such as angina;
- the pain in the a department, occipital region, over the entire length of the hand;
- the weakness of the legs from the front;
- coordination problems, as manifested in the uneven gait;
- frequent dizziness, that result may be fainting;
- a decrease of the endurance;
- the feeling of fatigue immediately after sleep;
- going to bike headaches, and in the left part of the chest, giving the hand;
- the limitation of the mobility of the neck, the popping sound when its turns and slopes.
In the different cases, cervical osteochondrosis can have a number of other symptoms. By doing this, they depend on the localization of an intervertebral disk is damaged.
Specialists distinguish several types of specific syndromes of the cervical osteoarthritis, including:
- Root. Develops as a result of pinching of a nerve. When this person experiences acute pain, which extends from the neck to the shoulder, then the forearm, and so until the end of your finger (or a hand). Also radicular syndrome is characterized by tingling or "Murakami" on the skin, pallor of the skin and a little swelling.
- The syndrome of the vertebral artery. The main symptom is the "circle" headaches. The more often the kind of pain is constant, but in some cases, it may be intermittent. The reinforcement of the sensation of pain occurs after the increase of the activity, or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position. While reducing the immunity, headaches, the pain may be accompanied by nausea and loss of consciousness. Also, in this case are possible disorders of hearing, vision, and problems with the vestibular system.
- The syndrome of the neck of the migraine. In this case, by reason of a change in position of the vertebrae and the discs between them, disorders of the cerebral circulation, which is accompanied by ringing in the ears or heat help, tachycardia, noise in the head, etc
- The High Blood Pressure. Characterized by an increase in intracranial pressure. The patient is worried about the strong attacks of headaches, often, they are accompanied by a feeling of nausea.
Often, during exacerbation of the disease in the patient can raise the temperature of the body.
Characteristics of the stages of the disease and the symptoms

In the process of development of the disease the experts distinguish 4 stages:
- I stage. At this point, assisted to a displacement of intervertebral disc, a violation of their stability. If this person may feel muscle tension in the affected area and a little pain. Due to the low demand of the symptomatology, in general, this step almost unnoticeable.
- Phase II. Begins the destruction of the fibrotic ring, reducing the distance between the vertebrae. The symptoms are pain, localized at certain points, and the worsening of the flexion or rotation of the head. During this phase can occur fatigue.
- Stage III. A ring of Fibrous completely destroyed, formed of a hernia. The spine during this deformation, the pain is much stronger. To reduce the discomfort the man is obliged to restrict the movement. Obvious signs of frequent dizziness, fatigue.
- Stage IV. This stage is characterized by the full immobility of the damaged portion of the spinal column. Periodically, it may be the disappearance of the pain, but eventually, she is returned, by fortifying several times.
More than the defeat of the intervertebral discs is low, the higher the probability of complete cure of the disease.
The causes of cervical osteoarthritis
There are several reasons for the creation and development of the disease. Among the most common:
- a hereditary predisposition;
- the violation of posture.
- age;
- transferred injury of the spine;
- large workloads, in particular, physical work and sport;
- infectious diseases deferred above;
- the port is a narrow uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes;
- a poor diet, including excessive food is harmful.
In addition, the onset of the degenerative disease of the discs can contribute to excess weight, stress often, a sedentary lifestyle and even stronger cooling.
The danger of the disease
Earlier started osteochondrosis cervical, more may be possible complications. At the onset of the disease at a young age are its consequences:
- a herniated disc;
- neuralgia cervical roots;
- intervertebral parish priest in the cervical region (protrusion);
- spinal neck pain, etc
Also in the case of the execution of a degenerative disc disease, you may have problems with the vertebrates, the board of trustees of the arteries, the development of paresis and other comorbidities.
The rules of home treatment

Treat osteochondrosis cervical can be done in various ways, including the treatment and in the house, but respecting certain rules. First of all, a home treatment is suitable only in the early stages of the disease. In the course of performance of the disease, you can also use methods of the house, but already in complex with the most professional care therapeutic. Secondly, the methods of self-treatment in the home should be in agreement with the treating physician after an accurate diagnosis.
Effective medications
Modern medicine offers a wide variety of all kinds of pills, patches, and ointments\gels directional. These tools not only allow us to get rid of the pain low back pain, but prevent the further destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.
Among the most effective and the most sought after ways for the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis is the most often identified:
- Warming and anesthetic ointment/gels.
- The muscle relaxants – drugs that reduce the muscle tone and reduce inflammation.
- Transdermal, having a special ability for impregnation, which are the most commonly used thiamine (vitamin B1), glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin. Under the effect of heat on the drug easily penetrates into the muscles and tissues, providing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. In addition, the patches can also relieve spasms in the muscles and return their motor activity.
- Vitamins. Vitamins are an integral part of the therapy, since they strengthen the body, improves the metabolic processes in this that, in turn, affects the recovery of muscle and cartilage tissues, improve the conduction of nerve impulses, the normalization of the sensitivity of the skin, etc., Among the vitamins that are necessary for the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis, experts emit b-group vitamins, as well as retinol (A) tocopherol (E), information (D), the ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid
- Chondroprotectors. The main action of these drugs is to every restore the cartilage tissue, enhancing blood circulation and reducing pain. However, for the treatment of these drugs has given a result, you must apply for a time long enough (3 to 6 months).
To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, it is possible to combine drugs of different groups, for example, complexes of vitamins with the protectors of the cartilage and this patch.
The application of popular recipes
Many of the recipes of treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine can be found in the folk medicine:
- Relieve the pain during the exacerbation of the degenerative disease disk will help you a simple piece of horseradish. For this, it is necessary of the night to join in the wound the inner side and fix a bandage. Pre-leaf burn of the boiling water. In the morning, the pain in the neck to calm down almost 100%.
- As a therapeutic and preventive tool, you can use potatoes. For the preparation of the potatoes of the medication, the tuber of the average rubbed on a fine grater and mix with the honey in a 1:1 ratio. The consistency obtained must be remembered, of an ointment. Potato honey mixture to use as a compress ill-omen on the neck, the top serves as a compression of the paper and the napkin and fixed with the help of dressings. Keep the poultice should be 2 hours, after which the skin wipe with a damp cloth and grease tree oil. During exacerbation of degenerative disc disease, the treatment duration should be 7 to 10 days, and for the prevention of the compress can do 1 time per week.
- In another popular form of the recipe is also on the product of beekeeping – propolis. For the cooking of the house of medication will need 1 g of propolis, 50 g of aloe juice (in a hurry), and mustard powder. All of these ingredients dissolve in 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol (diluted). The resulting solution used for impregnation of the tissue, which is then applied to the neck area of the night. To enhance the effect, the neck option, you can wrap a wool scarf.
- Compresses of paraffin – another tool in the fight against inflammation and pain. Before you apply it on the neck, the paraffin wax melt in a steam bath, and give him a cool down to not burn the skin. Instead of paraffin, you can use wax. The warm-up using the paraffin or wax is held 1 time in 3 days.
- The paste with turpentine. For this method of treatment, you must prepare the dough of rye flour and filtered water. It must be firm enough, but not too hard. Received for test form the patty. After this, the wound is rubbed with turpentine and lay on it, finished off the cake. The duration of the procedure – about 15-20 minutes, the frequency of 3 times per week.

For the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis, traditional medicine offers not only compresses and rubbing, but a means for the reception inside:
- Collection of herbs. For the cooking of the healing of the infusion need of dandelion leaves, yarrow, thyme, st. john's wort, chamomile and calendula. Each ingredient – 1. l. All the herbal ingredients carefully. The field that take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, place it in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water and within a few hours. Ready infusion drink 3 times per day (60 ml for receive) before the meal. The course of treatment of 20 days.
- The infusion of the leaves of the laurel tree. For its preparation for 1 cup of water, 10 g of laurel leaves. All the ingredients are placed in an enameled pan and simmer for 5 within 5 minutes After the broth obtained still insist for 3 hours and filtered. Drink infusion during the day in small sips. The cure for 4 days. After a week break, repeat the treatment.
- The decoction of persil. It is prepared in the following way: 3 tablespoons of roots of the plant fall asleep in 750 ml of water and cook on low heat for an hour. The broth obtained is filtered and cooled. Drink the medicine two times a day 1 tablespoon. Take its need in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
- The infusion of celery juice. For the cooking of the root of celery rubbed on a grater with large holes, and then from this mass squeeze the juice. After that, each spoonful of juice obtained, add 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours. Take an infusion of 2 tablespoons before each meal.
- The infusion with the cranberry leaves. This infusion produces a good anti-inflammatory effect. For its preparation, 3 tablespoon of powder of dried leaves to the boiled water. After two hours of the received structure filter and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
- Of the alcohol from the infusion of pine nuts. For more efficient drug the pine nuts with shell crushed, put in glass capacity and pour in the vodka. A jar well closed, and put in a dark place for a week. Each day, the capacity must be well agitated. After 7 days of infusion filtered. Drink three times a day 2 teaspoons for admission.
Also as an effective way to bridge the potassium and the calcium in the body in popular medicine advises to eat a few teaspoons of sesame seeds every day (in the same eating a spoon, but do so several times per day).
The effectiveness of self-massage

Of kneading, crushing and stroking it can improve blood circulation, reduce the sensation of pain, relieve stress on the muscles, to normalize metabolism. However, in order not to harm yourself when driving of the self-massage, you must comply with some rules:
- The massage should be done exclusively with the fingers of his hands.
- Not much pushed about the area.
- All movements must be smooth, without sudden and rapid stretching.
- It is necessary to massage the part occipital of the head, the muscles of the back and side areas of the neck.
- Perform the procedure must be seated. For more convenience, it is necessary to throw the leg over the leg and place the elbow to get to the back of the neck and spine. The opposite of the hand it is necessary to surround the neck from all sides.
The duration of massage to the procedure in 10 minutes. The frequency of all the days. If this is not the time to make a self-massage of pain. It is better to wait, when it died down a little.
Properly executed massage can be more useful and more effective than even the best drugs.

It will not be useless to complete the treatment at home gyms exercises. Do they recommend after warming up in the bath or under the shower. The most effective exercises for the low back pain cervical spondylosis are:
- The inclination of the head. To meet the need of rising up in the gentle, tender hands along the body and incline the head forward, then back. In each position, you have to stay for about 10 seconds.
- The slopes of side. Do not change the previous position, tilting the head to the right and to the left, also holding it in each side for 10 seconds.
- The position is the same, but now the head, in alternation, you have to tilt in all directions, lingering on for half a minute.
- The twists and turns. The hand is placed on the belt, the chin slightly pushed forward, and rotate the head so that it lay on his shoulder. In this position, you must freeze in 50 seconds.
- The breeding of hands. This exercise is done in a sitting position. To do this, sit on a chair, put the hands on the knees. After this, the hands draw forward, and smooth high in the hand. At the same time, rejects the head, after which, returning into position.
- Complex twists and turns. The left hand is placed on the right shoulder (elbow at a right angle) and: turn the head to the right. Iup performing an exercise, using the right hand.
In addition to these exercises help low back pain and many others. For example, during the holidays, you can go on the hard drive of a sofa, as well, to the shoulders, lying on the edge of the head hung down. Your arms should be relaxed and are stretched along the body. In a few minutes, you should raise and lower the head, tending exclusively to the muscles of the neck. First of all, the exercise performed lying on the back, and then, in the same turn on the belly.